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The Block House 3: Kristy & Brett's Plungie Max
PNP Residential Construction install a Plungie Max
Kristy and Brett sit down with Belle Property to discuss all things Block related!
A Plungie: the simplest way to increase property value
Architectural Riverfront Property featuring Plungie
Kristy & Brett's Plunkett Villa Wedding Film
The Block House 2: Leah & Ash's Plungie Arena
Marlowe Unveiled | 7 Plungies in 7 Stunning Oceanfront Residences
Plungie Max being Lowered into Hole by 75 ton Crane
The Block 2023 House 5 | Energy Matters
Krissy Cheinel Spin The Block Official Music Video
The Block pair Eliza and Liberty reveal ‘toxic’ post-show run-in with Kristy and Brett